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This idea is that the abortion procedure ends up being like the Jewish Holocaust. This is because at the rate of how many unborn children are killed in a year it equals to the amount of Jews and others were killed during the Nazi rule over Europe (William, 1). The numbers of people that died during Nazi rule are " the 12 yrs of the Third Reich, the Nazi did away with 6 million Jews, 275,000 German handicapped, a quarter million Gypsies, and untold numbers of unborn children" (William, 3). These numbers approximately add up to the amount of unborn death in the United States alone. In average the number of abortions done in one year is about 1.6 million (William, 3). Though there are many deaths from abortion, it is not considered by doctors to be a murderous act. .
             I"m not saying all abortions are done to get rid of something that is not wanted. I know that some abortions are done to help certain women who might die with out the procedure. This is due to the fact that "legal traditions uphold the idea- the notion of abortion to save the life of the mother" (Sloan, 5). Another set of women that might have just cause to have abortions are those who were raped. These women have cause to have abortions because it is a reminder of the event and can cause harm to their psyche. I believe that the women that are raped have a choice, and can figure out on there own if they want to raise a child that was caused by a raping. Therefore, these women are the only ones that can say abortions were done for a reason. .
             The doctor that performs the medical procedure for abortions can go along with it and not think of abortions as murder, because they believe in the idea that the unborn child is not a real human yet. The doctor's think that the unborn is a fetus without feeling and is simply a collection of human tissue. Dr. Sloan describes the attitudes, as "I wouldn't deny that they"re human tissue. Of course they are, as I said.

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