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"Typically, women who abandon their infants are motivated by fear of how their parents, boyfriends or husbands will react, a fear so compelling, experts say, that abandonment appears to be the only feasible option. Some have been victims of rape or domestic violence. Many are children themselves in profound denial, causing them to put off confiding in anyone until it is too late, and then to discard the infant, as if by doing so, they might convince themselves they had never really been pregnant at all. ``We are willing not to judge a woman,'' said Jaccard, a 52-year-old paramedic who started the Ambulance Medical Technicians Children of Hope Foundation: after finding the body of a full-term baby floating in a courthouse toilet in Nassau County, N.Y. Within a month of the grim discovery, another infant found dead, wrapped in a plastic bag. Then another, tossed in a recycling bin. And another, dug up by a dog in a backyard grave." .
             The first to initiate the abandonment law was Texas. The first Safe Abandonment law is passed in Texas in September 1999. "A billboard in Houston Texas proclaims in bold red lettering, Don't Abandon Your Baby! Take your child to an emergency medical technician at a fire station or hospital. SAVE YOUR BABY! The billboard and its message reflect a growing trend in this country, calling for laws that make it possible for birth parents to abandon an infant without facing criminal sanction. Recently, a number of states have passed or have considered passing these Safe Abandonment laws. Controversy around these laws is tremendous." .
             At no other time in your life is the chance of dieing by murder higher than the first day of your life; facing the highest risk of being murder are newborns. How could any one seek to harm an innocent? Most infant victims are born outside of the hospitals their birth concealed from family and friends. .
             In the United States, you are 10 times more likely to be murdered on the day you are born than at any other time during your life.

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