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A Weighty Issue


It is the number three cause of death in the United States." Not only are these ailments debilitating, but the social and psychological effects can be just as painful. Thoughts of failure are common among overweight and obese people, failure with diets, failure with exercise regiments, etc. In addition to their internal turmoil, many are also held down by unjust social pressures as well; pressure to be a rail thin runway model, pressure to keep their heads held high despite the sneers and remarks from strangers, and pressure from others to look "normal." The site also says that, "Seriously obese persons suffer inability to qualify for many types of employment, and discrimination in employment opportunities, as well. They tend to have higher rates of unemployment, and a lower socioeconomic status. Ignorant persons often make rude and disparaging comments, and there is a general societal belief that obesity is a consequence of a lack of self-discipline, or moral weakness. Many severely obese persons find it preferable to avoid social interactions or public places, choosing to limit their own freedom, rather than suffer embarrassment.".
             Celebrities are under an especially large amount of pressure to maintain a svelte appearance. As Lesley Goober at Cosmopolitan wrote in her "The Incredible Shrinking Stars" article, "The message they (Hollywood) seem to be conveying is that in show biz, the thinner an actress is, the better roles they"ll get and the bigger star they"ll become." (211). Goober quotes a T.V. casting agent as saying, "If you have someone who is a size six and she can get down to a.
             two, there will be more roles for her. The truth is, we can't have someone who's not skinny .
             playing a character who has a boyfriend." (211). While it is true that many overweight people outside of the entertainment world have significant others, it is terrible that Hollywood has come to embrace the thinner the better mentality.

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