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A Solution From Terrorism


The media intensifies this friction by providing a platform of notoriety and fame for freedom movements. To fight for the cause of freedom is to fight for glory. The media amplifies this fervor by adding fuel to the fire (8-9).
             Social and geographic mobility is the third reason. We have the ability to move anywhere at anytime. A white male from the boondocks can move to the big city; the Hispanic male living in the same inner-city neighborhood may see the white male as an intruder instead of as a friend or neighbor and a conflict can develop. The "us- versus "them- attitude manifests itself (9).
             Sri Lanka is a prime example and fits the criteria for ethnic conflict. The Sinhalese majority has dominated the Tamil minority since Britain granted independence in 1948. The Sinhalese religion is Buddhism; the Tamils religion is Hinduism. The Sinhalese farmers have moved into the northern and eastern areas of the island claimed by the Tamil.
             Neil Devotta, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas at Austin's Department of Government writes, .
             Historically, Sri Lanka's Sinhalese and Tamils are of Indian provenance. Given the plethora of myth and folklore that mesh with both groups' histories, this may be the only certain historical fact. All other claims, while contributing toward group identity, are disputable. The Sinhalese, supposedly comprising of Aryan stock, settled in Sri Lanka around the fifth or sixth century B.C. Depending on the source, the Dravidian Tamils were either present or followed the Sinhalese soon thereafter.
             As noted above, neither side of this conflict can show full documentation of their right to exist as separate entities when they have coexisted peacefully for centuries (Popham). Folklore and legends from both sides are not sufficient in the eyes of the world to determine right or wrong in this circumstance.
             Devotta goes on to further state,.
             In keeping with Britains divide and rule policies, her authorities in Sri Lanka baldly favored minority communities at the expense of the majority community's religion, language and culture.

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