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A Muscular Pony


             fastest car on the street. Ford has carried the general proportions of the Mustang over from model.
             year to model year through out it's long history. Despite changing the platform every 3-6 years,.
             Ford has kept the long hood, low roof line height, and many other basic sheet metal design lines.
             on the car through the years.(pic 4) This helped the public distinguish the Ford Mustang from the.
             other cars that were on the road, even if they had only seen one of the many different body styles.
             that were available through out the years. By carrying over the unique design traits, like the three.
             bar taillights and general proportioning of the car, Ford laid the grounds for heritage and.
             reputation to build. This has helped the Ford Mustang develop its long-standing reputation as a.
             muscle car. .
             The design of the Mustang has created a car that can easily be manipulated for uses in multiple.
             situations. The car has the ability to be used for almost any type of automotive racing yet will still.
             work as a daily commuting car. The aftermarket, companies that design and sell customized parts,.
             have an easy time creating parts that are sold on a regular basis. Ford has stuck with a general.
             layout that allows parts that were designed for a 2001 Mustang to be retrofitted into a 1964.
             ½-1966 Mustang with little or no modification required. Many people tailor their cars to fit their.
             own taste of parts from newer cars by putting them on older cars. They also have the chance to.
             use the many aftermarket parts that are available to do the same thing. The design also offers a.
             cheap platform on which build. Ford designed the Mustang, from day one, to be built on a chassis.
             that was shared with multiple cars. The chassis was designed to have Mustang sheet metal welded.
             on it along with many other cars sheet metal welded on it. This is unlike many other automotive.
             manufactures. The Corvette, the Chevrolet Camaro, and many other muscle cars that were.

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