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1984 - Relations Of Totalitarianism


" A device known as Telescreens were instituted in all public places, including our private homes; the party had the power to watch every move you made at any time of the day. Hidden microphones were placed in various places around the city to hear your conversations. Privacy was a term unheard of. .
             The third technique used was "Physical control," it was the party's job to continuously watch for any signs of disloyalty. Some said that a person's own nervous system could be their greatest enemy. A male oriented form of birth control, Physical jerks, was mandatory morning exercises. Members that were in any way disloyal to the party were forced into physical torture to condition their minds. The party had members convinced by brainwashing that 2+2=5.
             The forth technique used was "Control of information and history." All newspapers and knowledge of histories were completely rewritten to alter time. Records of pictures and memories were all destroyed, making images fuzzy to its members. The party controlled the present, allowing it to manipulate the past. The theory behind this being that, "By controlling the past, the party can justify all of its actions in the present". (Orwell 125).
             The fifth technique used was "Language as Mind Control." In Oceania the language "Newspeak" replaced the entire English language. Police were specially trained to read your thoughts and monitor conversations. If a member was caught thinking illegal actions he would be intensely punished, both mentally and physically.
             Although Orwell's 1984 only spoke of totalitarian society, in reality people in Fascist Italy experienced it first hand. Benito Mussolini was able to control the people in a way much similar to the ideas proposed in Orwell's book.
             Benito Mussolini was born in 1883 and was never convinced to be a socialist. In 1921 Mussolini succeeded in forming a party called the "National Fascist" also known as the black shirts.

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