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World Population


             teenagers of tomorrow will spend the monetary equivalent of a car on interactive.
             computer workstations with virtual reality capabilities; computer generated.
             images will be part of everyday life (54). This in return will cause teenagers to.
             become reliant on computers, a source of contact and information that is both.
             social and factual. The power of the electronic media will become a force that will.
             shape views and opinions. .
             The information shared amongst the teenagers will lead to a feeling of.
             power and identity which in turn will lead to a reshaping of the world through their.
             idealism and energy. The ideas that shape their world will be either highly.
             ambitious or cynical, depending upon poverty, inflation and the media's view of.
             things (52). To combat this, there will be a war, whether it be a.
             entrepreneurial/capitalist or a literal war. It has been proven that societies with a.
             large number of males are more likely to start wars over land, territory and.
             ideology (52). .
             The fears over a global population with a majority of teenagers comes from ncertainty over what will happen. There has been the thought that the teenagers.
             of tomorrow will be over ambitious, use cheap communication, have the mindset.
             of a computer programmer, travel to other places via the Internet, and provide.
             uncertainty for the future because of demographics (55). The uncertainty of.
             demographics is due to not knowing the rate of immigration. The problem with.
             immigration is those coming from less developed countries to more developed.
             countries will not know the new technology and be disadvantaged. For example, a.
             teenager from Mexico who goes to the United States may not know how to type or.
             surf the web and therefore will be at a disadvantage in the job market. In the job.
             market it is estimated that 85% of the labor force will be comprised of young,.
             culturally diverse nonwhite workers (56).
             To distinguish trends in the workforce is also a difficult task.

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