However, if the Pacifistic movement is done during a time of peace, it is less likely that the government will resolve to war because of the view of war is not very popular in a Pacifistic society. (Short, 55) .
Another step is to prepare individually and as a group. This includes engaging in specific individual and group training of thought, sentiment and spirit, for the creation of a warless society. (Gregg, 14) This training needs to influence individuals strong enough to offset the modern art of creating mass emotion. By this and individual needs to be able to resist war hysteria and hate. Also pacifists need to ignore the labeling of being a "draft-dodger", "appeaser", "fifth columnist", and others that by the average person. (Short, 54) This is a common way to think of pacifists in a time of war by society. .
Other things that can be done to stand against the war include: refusing to cooperate with war preparations, pay taxes (Even though they are used to support the war effort, they are also used for roads, police, and others items that are needed by all citizens that are non-war related.), refuse to keep war profits, support strikes against the war, refuse to demonstrate with fascists people, and don't criticize the government and other war supporting groups during a time of war. (Gregg, 17-27) By following these guidelines, pacifists can help prevent war and violence and influence a society of peace that resolves their conflicts non-violently. The next question is what actions should a pacifist take if there is a war.
There are two main lines of action. One is to stress relief, projects of reconciliation, the releasing of goodwill and helpfulness, keeping contacts open and alive between groups and countries, if possible and expressing the positive dynamic character of active testimony at a time when most people are distressed and irritable. This makes pacifism on the whole a healing influence in a distraught society.