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Alcohol is a main reason for violence whether it is growing up with alcohol users and abusers or the youth using the alcohol substance themselves. High school students who drink alcohol or use illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids, are more than twice as likely to carry a weapon or get into a physical fight than teenagers who deny drug use, according to a study in the August issue of the AMA's Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. A survey of more than 12,000 students in public and private high schools in the United States shows that the increased risk of violence is similar among male and female adolescents. Alcohol consumption indeed can show that alcohol is one factor that can spark violent behavior in youth. .
             In today's society, domestic violence is witnessed more in the home. Spousal abuse in the home is a serious problem and needs to be stopped. No one deserves to be hit, nor to be exposed to this monstrous behavior. Many young adults have been brought up in a family life where someone has been physically abused. As a result of witnessing violence, living in such a hostile environment could makes one's lifestyle change negatively. Nonetheless, seeing such battery to another teaches the child that violent behavior is normal and is the only way to express their aggression on another. Adolescent children raised in abusive homes are at higher risk of depression. Most times, these children blame themselves for problems that occur within their household. They soon say, "The reason why my parents argue is because of me. I"m the one making them do this." The young adult could then becomes suicidal because they think they are the ones to blame or even possibly start to lash out with violent behavior on people around them. They want to make their environment "normal" so they mimic what they seen growing up, abusing someone or trying to cause controversy that leads to violent circumstances.

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