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Video Games


             few facts were understood. One, the officials found that a certain game called Doom was.
             on the market. Doom was an early FPS (first person shooter, where the player views his.
             environment from the eyes of the character) released in the early 1990's. Now this first.
             came to there attention when the kids who did the shootings were said to have played.
             games like this. With that known there was an outcry against people playing this.
             particular game. Here's the trouble, Doom was grossly outdated. When it was first.
             released, it stood as a great game, but the reason it had such rapidly kill anything on the.
             screen gameplay (this type of gameplay is viewed as boring and monotonous to any.
             seasoned gamer) is because the technology was not advanced enough to do anything else.
             In 1999 or even 1998,1997, and 1996 a game like this would be criticized for its lack of.
             creativity, vision, and originality. In 1999 people were more concerned with more.
             involving and challenging gameplay. What the gamers of the would realized from this.
             incident, is that the rest of the world was so out of tune with the gaming industry, that.
             they really thought that and over five year old title was the current "rage". This bothered.
             many people. Now violent games have there place. There must be a reason for the.
             violence. Take Medal of Honor for example. This is a FPS which is acclaimed by many.
             as the greatest of its kind for the Sony Playstation (Playstation is the number one selling.
             Sony product of all time). The game is a World War II simulator that puts you in the.
             shoes of a OSS (Office of Strategic Services) soldier and behind enemy lines. Because of.
             Saving Private Ryan, Steven Speiburg's Dreamworks company was the developer of this.
             award winning title. It gave the player a look at the W.W.II with its real to life weapons.
             and soldier models. But one of the reason that this games was so successful was its.
             sound. The music was done by a full orchestra and is considered one of the best scores in.

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