Transport to a destination can vary also. From car travel, aeroplane, cruise liner, ferry or bus. There are many different ways of getting to destinations and it is up to the tour operator to decide which would be the best option for the tourist, or to offer an option of transport.
Duration's of holidays are also another research issue for the tour operator to distinguish and to offer variations of the length of stay. This could be between a short weekend break to a two week holiday.
The presentation of all these options must be compiled to try and create the package for the holiday. This is usually presented in a brochure which made available to the public. These brochures are also broken up into special interest groups, so it is easier to find and "ideal" holiday. These brochures try to make every destination seem appealing. Usually a strategically taken photograph is used to try and entice the prospective tourist into falling for this wonderful place.
Brochures usually include background information on the region to begin and provide an insight in what is on offer to the family or single person. Also information is provided on the accommodation. For example the size of the room/s its facilities. What sort of people it is suited for. There are usually a diverse number of places used by tour operators in the region to make it seem that it offers more for more than just a select group of people within society.
Tour operators try to compile the full package by teaming up with airlines, ferry lines and car hire firms to offer them as part of a package. This will mean that the prospective tourist will not have had to arrange anything externally from the tour operators which makes it as trouble free for the tourist as possible. Also as well as this, insurance packages are offered to the customer.
Once all negotiations are finished with hoteliers, site owners and transport firms are completed the brochure can be completed and made available to the general public through travel agents.