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             The tobacco plant, or in Latin, Solanaceae Nicotiana Tobacum, is a thick stemmed annual that flourishes large, bushy leaves with a stocky, short variety of petioles.(Agnes et al,71) The leaves rise in a quasi-spiral type pattern along the four to six foot tall stem, to the flower of the plant, which is promptly chopped off right before harvesting. (Agnes et al, 72) .
             The tobacco plant itself, in nature, appears to be a loner. Although proven to be rich in vitamins and minerals essential to survival, the plant for the most part remains untouched in the wild.(Erowid,2) In fact, the most well known chemical, and most deadly, is commonly used as a safe solution to pest control in the united states, taking part in most major insecticides and pest removers.(Erowid,2) The chemical goes by chemical name (s)-3-(1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidinyl)Pyridine, or in laments terms, nicotine. (Erowid,1) Nicotine, although not poisonous to nature by any standards, is quite toxic to humans, even radioactive on two accounts, phosphate and radon.(Erowid,5) .
             As most people know, the long-term effects of nicotine and tobacco smoke are devastating. However, there are very few short term effects, and those that are there present themselves mildly. Nicotine in tobacco form is so safe, that it would take fourteen grams of pure nicotine to overdose and die. To put that into perspective, there is half a milligram of nicotine in the average cigarette.(Erowid,1) That means 10 milligrams to a pack, based on a twenty count pack. For a person to smoke themselves to death, they would need to smoke thirty-five cartons, which is 350 packs, or 7,000 cigarettes, in time it would take to swallow the fourteen grams and wait for the effects of the drug to kick in. It is in fact impossible to smoke yourself to death by overdosing. However that's overdosing, the long term effects are a completely different matter.
             The Cigarette industry itself, also known as the merchants of death, is the manufacturer of the of the product causing over half a million deaths and rising each year.

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