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Thou Shalt Not Kill


The nutritional content of milk is in fact abundant, but can be replaced within a vegetarian diet. The vitamin D found in milk is added after the milking process is complete. In fact vitamin D isn't really a vitamin at all. It is a hormone that our bodies create when our skin is exposed to sunlight. A fifteen minute exposure to sunlight will fulfill your dietary needs with a sufficient amount of vitamin D. As far as calcium is concerned, yes milk is also a very good source, but cornbread, broccoli, tofu, tahini, beans, fortified orange juice and soy milk a!.
             re all wonderful sources as well. Although both animal and plant products posses much nutritional value, devastating, long term health consequences pertain mostly to an individual who consumes animal products.
             More people die each year due to meat consumption than that of the number who die from smoking. The most common cause of death in the United States is a heart attack, killing one person every 45 seconds. By reducing your overall consumption of meat and dairy products by 50% you reduce your chances of a heart attack by 45%. By following a strict vegan diet you reduce your chances by 90%. Another catastrophic killer in the United Stated is heart disease. Heart disease is strongly correlated with elevated levels of cholesterol , which is only found in animal products. There is a 12% rise in blood cholesterol from consuming one egg a day. There is a 24% rise in heart attack risk from a 12% rise in cholesterol. No dietary cholesterol intake is needed to support human health. As far as us women are concerned: women who eat eggs are 2.8 tomes more likely to get breast cancer. Women who eat meat daily are 3.8 times more likely to get breast cancer. The risks involved with the!.
             consumption are no less than devastating.
             Overall medical studied conclude that a vegetarian diet is easier to digest, provides a wider range of nutrients and keeps our bodies purified.

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