government began to carry out policies promoting industrialization. The population.
of the area that now makes up the Republic of Ireland fell steadily from about.
6,500,00 in 1841 to 2,800,00 in 1961. About 1,200,000 people left Ireland soon.
after the terrible potato famine of 1846 to 1848, most of them to the United States.
From 1853 to 1900 about 3,300,000 more left the country. Most of these people.
went to the United States, but some settled in Great Britain. .
The Irish have a rich literary and artist heritage. Irish Literature has been.
largely in English rather than Gaelic, however. High-quality craftwork on jewelry.
and religious objects, such as Celtic crosses, reflects an ancient artistic tradition.
Folk song and dances, along with traditional storytelling, and featured at folk.
festival that help to preserve Ireland's way of life. The island's colorful customs.
have spread wherever the Irish have settles throughout the world.
Potential Conflict.
Crime in Ireland is far from non-existent, but it has tended to be of the.
non-violent type. Murder in Ireland send shock-waves through the country and they.
are always accompanied by front-page headlines and are the lead stories in.
newscasts. The police (known as the Gardi) do not carry weapons, but all carry.
Dublin like big cities all over the world, seems to be the most susceptible to.
crime. The majority of the crime there is petty theft and burglaries, although more.
violent crimes of rape and murder do occur. Throughout Dublin there are signs.
warning of pick-pockets. Rental cars are also easy targets, especially if you leave.
purses, cameras, or other items of value in plain sight. Take a few extra seconds to.
put these things in the trunk.
Ireland has very aggressive laws when it comes to driving under the influence.
of alcohol.
Land and Climate.
Much of Ireland's interior is a relatively level plain surrounded by low.
mountains, particularly in the west and south.