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Transition Planning For Special Education Students


Thus, it is critical that students and their parents are aware of and think about the school district's graduation requirements, and how the student's transition goals will be accomplished before all services from the school district have ceased.
             How to Begin Transition Planning .
             Transition goals cannot be achieved in one year. Transition planning, services, and activities should be approached as a multi-year process. Young adults themselves, along with their parents, play an important role in the transition process. Granted, involving the student in his/her own transition planning is required by law, but perhaps the most important reason for student involvement in transition planning is to facilitate the development of his/her self-determination skills, for these are essential for the student to develop the ability to manage his or her own life. .
             To begin with, examine your family's values as well as your young adult's interests, skills, and desires for the future. Encourage your son or daughter to talk about their preferences for the future. These preferences should be the guide for the transition planning process. Involve your child in activities that help him/her becme a good decision maker and develop self-advocacy skills. Transition services can and should be delivered through curricular and extracurricular activities in many settings-in academic and vocational classrooms, at home, and throughout the community-to practice and reinforce newly acquired skills. The more young adults with disabilities have opportunities to practice their skills in real life situations, the more comfortable and natural they will feel in those settings. .
             When Does Transition Planning Occur?.
             Ideally, transition planning formally begins when the student is in the eighth grade. The transition IEP (sometimes referred to as the ITP/IEP) is reviewed and revised annually as part of the IEP process.
             Transition planning serves several important functions:.

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