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The Effects Of Insomnia


Others may even have paranoid thoughts. Though the main effects of long-term insomnia include depression and high blood pressure ("Sleep Deprivation" 304). Therefore, insomnia must be conquered, because of the effects it has on adults. .
             The estimated cost of insomnia in the United States in the early 1990s was about eleven billion dollars. About half of that was spent on treatment of depression. Depression itself may cause eating problems, thoughts of despair, thoughts of hopelessness, sexual impairments, and anger and irritability. Depression is defined in Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary as:.
             The decrease of a vital function such as respiration. Mental depression characterized by altered moods. An Estimated 3% to 5% of the world's population experiences depression on any given date. There is a loss of interest in all usually pleasurable outlets such as food, sex, work, friends, hobbies, or entertainment. Diagnostic criteria include presence of depressed mood nearly everyday, markedly diminished interest or pleasure in most or all activities. (520).
             The three different systems of classification of depression are unitary, dualistic, and the pluralistic systems. The unitary system assumes that there is only one type of depression with different levels of severity. The dualistic system assumes that there are two types of depression. This is based on relatively harmless outcomes versus relatively poor outcomes. The pluralistic system has four different types. These types of pluralistic classification include empty depression, angry depression, anxious depression, and hypochondriacal depression. Given these different systems of classification, it is obvious that depression is difficult to define or classify. There is a continuous study of depression, because of conflicting reports and opinions ("Depression" 520). Depression can be especially cruel in that it does not only effect the depressed person, but it also effects everyone around him or her, too.

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