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The Cold War


The loss was a force to be dealt with. Their responses to try to alleviate the situation were all in vain. Their trade embargo placed against Cuba left them to suffer from loss of economic gain and have an affair of strained diplomatic relations.
             The difference in opinion of how the world should be governed is a force to be reckoned with, as a result it has caused division between familles and nations and has been the loss of lives. It is as a result that the trade embargo against Cuba must come to an end. It is a step in the wrong direction. In the day and age where we need peace and international cooperation to deal with our problems of world hunger and disease, having an thirty eight year old embargo is not a positive move. .
             According to the web site globalexchange.com on the 10th of May 2000 from the article " The History of the U.S. Blockade of Cuba" the economic blockade has been maintained by the United States for almost four decades against the island nation of Cuba. The blockade was originally justified on the grounds that Cuba was a threat to the security of the United States. Cuba's seizure of U.S. property following their 1959 revolution, their alliance with Soviet Union, and their support for revolutionary forces in Latin America and Africa are some of the reasons given for the action taken by the United States. Now with the cold war over for ten years; the soviet union no longer in existence, "the U.S. has normal trade and diplomatic relations with all the countries of the former Eastern bloc, and in fact , has granted the largest communist country China, its Most Favored Nation Status." .
             When the United States placed its trade embargo on Cuba it included the ban on sales of medicine and food to Cuba, not only by U.S. companies, but also by foreign companies selling medicine or equipment with U.S. Components. Although it is a violation to the U.

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