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Teenagers And Sexual Activity


             seek medical care at traditional heath care facilities.
             because of the discrimination they often face because they.
             are teenagers.
             The perspective and attitude teenagers have towards.
             sex needs to be controlled. Many teenagers, feel as if they.
             are invincible, when they deal with the risk of catching.
             sexually transmitted diseases. Since, they think their.
             sexual partners could not possibly be infected with a.
             sexually transmitted disease, they do not feel the need to.
             use condoms. Despite teenagers involvement in sexual.
             activity, some adolescents are not interested in, or.
             knowledgeable, about birth control methods or symptoms of.
             sexually transmitted diseases. In result of this, the rate.
             of births and sexually transmitted diseases are increasing. .
             "Young male and female patients at the Stanford Avenue.
             clinic tell doctors that they only have sex with nice.
             people, so they can not possibly be in danger of having a.
             sexually transmitted disease" (Graham B1). Teenagers need.
             to be educated that they are not invincible and that they.
             are in danger, if they act promiscuously.
             Parents need to get involved in their children's lives.
             and make a difference. Most parents hesitate, when thinking.
             about, talking to their children about sex. Many parents do.
             not know all the risks and new diseases enough, to teach.
             their children anything about, the consequences of having.
             sex. It is also a scare to most parents to think of their.
             teenager, growing up and having sex. They are in a sense of.
             denial. Many parents do not realize that the age of first.
             sexual intercourse is getting younger and younger. If they.
             do not reach out to their children, before it is too late,.
             they may have to deal with some dramatic consequences. "New.
             Mexico parents worry almost every time their teenage.
             children go on a date or attend a party: Will they engage.
             in sex? Student surveys and state teenage pregnancy.
             statistics show that the answer is yes" (Graham B1).

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