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Teenage Faith Reflects Responsibility


Because of this commitment, I"m sure many consider her a martyr of sorts and say that she is a testament to their own faith. Dozens of teens and younger youth have been greatly influenced by their peers" decision to stand up for her beliefs; this is a large encouragement to teens everywhere, especially because we live in a society where teens" identifies are greatly challenged. If only adults could see all of these responsible young adults and the paths they choose to take and their effect they have on others. It seems as though many adults just want to put teenagers in a stereotyped group while most are actually participating in opposite activities than the ones filling adults" minds. Many christians will not have finalized all of their beliefs entirely until many years after their teen years. .
             Today's church wants to play a larger role in letting teens know about and help to guide them in their beliefs. Some teens are more secure in their faith than others. There are many adults that do support these certain teenagers. More than many previous popes, Pope John Paul II has a distinct goal for the ministry of youths. Part of John Paul II's plans for ministry includes Sons and Daughters of the light: A Pastoral Plan for ministry with young adults. That is a plan for ministry to people in their late teens and early twenties, with a purpose of a development of a spiritual life. The plan seems to be working, because whereas five or ten years ago it was not cool to believe and pronounce faith in God, now many teens cannot think of anything cooler. .
             In high school, there is a second side to modern Christianity. While many communities offer programs for fellowship and leadership in Christ, many teens get caught up in the wrong things. These programs are meant to not condemn the "bad" ideals teens may posses of things that they may do, but these programs are an outreach. The philosophy of many programs focuses on loving the unlovable, accepting people as they are, and helping those who feel alone.

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