When interviewing Andrea, the main focus was to find out from her why teens are having sex and how it can be prevented. She said "Many movies show sex as being fun and that they should do it. It sends the wrong message to teens. When your friends are doing it, you want to fit in so you do what they do". When I asked her a follow up on how this can be prevented, she answered, "Schools should teach the realities of sex and the consequences that follow. If teens know how serious it is, they will abstain".
When I interviewed Zeeshan, I wanted to know what initiates teen violence and how it can be stopped. He stated "the real initiator is ego problems, especially for males. Teens may want to rebel or they may lose control from anger". My follow up questions asked him to name a way that violence could be stopped. He said, "Police and teachers are not doing their best. They need to enforce strict penalties and rules". .
I wanted to know Evelyn's opinion on general teen behaviour. She told me, "The main source of teen behaviour is from peer pressure and the media such as television. They think what they see on television is what they must live up to. Boys think they must be rough and tough". I followed up on her response by asking her to tell me some ways these behaviours can be changed. "Let teens know the consequences of their actions ahead of time", was her response.
Just as my purpose with Evelyn was to find out her opinion on general teen behaviour, it was the same with Shirley. I asked her many of the same questions I had to Evelyn. When I inquire where teen's behaviour is coming from and how it can be changed, she replied, "Low self-esteem, narrow-mindedness, and ignorance makes a teen engage in sexual behaviour. Also, music plays a part in sex, drugs, and violence. Society has a huge part in influencing teens. It needs to change in the school and home. It all starts in the home.".
Overall, my interviews made a significant contribution to proving my point.