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Should Abortion Be Illegal?


             Abortion. That very word that causes people to become defensive, uncomfortable and very weary(Trevelyan) . While the question is discussed, comparatively little is said about the procedures available to women once they have made the decision to terminate a pregnancy, or what they might expect during an abortion(Paul). There are three trimesters in a pregnancy. Legally abortions in the first trimester, is allowed in all states. There are thirty states in the U.S. that outlaw the second and third trimester abortions(anonymous). In all three trimesters there are different procedures. In the first trimester, which is the first three months, there are two approaches available: medical or surgical abortion. Medical abortion is generally done early in pregnancy, and uses medication like RU-486 to end the pregnancy(Sutton). Medical abortions are generally not done after the 49th day of pregnancy. The first step in medical abortion is give a pregnancy test and some other tests to confirm. The women is told to wait 24-48 hrs before beginning the procedure. She is then given medication, which is given in two stages. She is either given methotrexate or mifepristone. This pill is sometimes referred to as the "abortion pill." After taking one of them, two days later she takes another pill which causes the uterus to contract, ending the pregnancy. Bleeding could occur, then the cramping and will end once the embryo is gone. This procedure could go away in a few days or last up to 4 weeks. The women is then required two follow-up visits to ensure the pregnancy has ended. The other option, which is surgical abortion, is when a doctor uses surgical techniques to empty the uterus(sutton). There are two different types of surgery; the manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) or the dilation and suction curettage (D&C). The MVA may be used up to the 10th week of pregnancy. The patient receives medicine to numb the cervix and a anesthetic.

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