Sex is openly discussed just about everywhere, except for the one place it needs to be - in the home for helpful answers to problems, and to be cherished in marriages. A parent should be the first place a child can come to just to talk about anything in their lives. Another reason sex is so popular these days is because it is publicized everywhere. I see it on television and theatres, hear it in the music, and eventually end up excited about the idea just like everyone else. There is nothing wrong about being excited, but sex is shamelessly overrated, and as it is, it's sending out confusing messages to children who should not even have to deal with such decisions so early in life. .
Our society portrays sex carelessly, implying that because it is everywhere, than it's acceptable and then they expect everyone to think for him or herself. That's impossible when some of these kids are young, and still depend on their parents for lunch money and rides to school. Another good myth is that if it feels good then it's okay to go ahead and have sex. The truth is usually it does feel good, but that doesn't make it okay all the time and it does not omit anyone from the harmful consequences it can bring such as gross diseases, early pregnancies, and guilt and pain for the rest of your life. Unless things change, a lot of children, teens, and adults will be fooled by the way our media views sex, and the result will be more clueless people messing up their lives in a way that can never be changed. .
The last and perhaps most relevant reason for so much sex outside of marriages is the decline of Americas morals and values. It's not uncommon at all for a person to have had sex with four or five people before getting married. Their spouse usually being one of those few, they have already slept with. Nor, does it shock anyone these days to hear about young girls having abortions because they wanted to have sex, but didn't want to deal with the repercussions of it.