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            In the play The Miracle Worker, by William Gibbons, the author expresses the theme of .
             Three main characters deal with both physical and psychological separation resulting in unfortunate sorrow. James loses his mother at a young age which results in a break down communication with his father. Annie suffers the loss of her brother resulting in great pain an guilt. Finally Helen, the main character, is blind an without language since the age of one and a half, causing her to lash out in frustration. For all three characters separation creates a sense of loss and pain.
             Throughout the play, James experiences both physical and psychological separation. Soon after the death of his mother, James' father remarries. James feels that his father has forgotten him, therefore forgetting him in the process. James says to his father in a fit of rage, "Everything you forgot when you forgot my mother."(p85). This results in a break down in communication between James and his father, causing him to be sarcastic and defiant toward Keller and his new wife. James says to Aunt Ev, "The weather here doesn't ask permission of me Aunt Ev. Speak to my father."(p11). Yet, in the end he over comes both types of separation by accepting his new mother and standing up to his father.
             Annie also suffers from physical and psychological separation. Shortly after being sent to the State Alms House at the age of nine, she is faced with the death of her brother, Jimmie. The doctor says to Annie during one of her flashbacks, "Your brother will be going on a journey, soon."(p70). This in turn leads to a great depression filled with guilt and a sense of loss. Jimmie says to Annie during another of Annie's flashbacks, "Forever and ever, you said forever."(p40). Through all of this turmoil and grief , Annie is able to prevail over the feeling of self-reproach and begin to love again.
             Lastly, Helen suffers from both types of separation as well.

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