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            Sexuality Education is a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about identity, relationships, and intimacy. It encompasses sexual development, reproductive health, and interpersonal relationships. Affection, intimacy, body image, and gender roles. Sexuality education addresses the biological, sociocultural, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of sexuality form the cognitive domain, the affective domain, and the behavioral domain, including the skills to communicate effectively and make responsible decisions.
             There are so many things that go into human sexuality. Sex involves emotions, understanding, identity and health. It goes beyond just the physical aspects of sex. There are so many different facets involved to help you gain a full understanding of sexuality. The proper education helps to inform and prepare students of all ages to face the challenges involved in understanding their sexuality.
             The primary goal of sexuality education is the is to promote sexual health. Sexuality education seeks to assist children in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with the information and skills about taking care of their sexual health, and help them acquire skills to make decisions now and in the future. .
             The four main goals:.
              Information.
              Attitudes, Values, & Insight.
              Relationships & Interpersonal Skills.
              Responsibility.
             There are numerous values involved in sexual education a few of them are sexuality is a natural and healthy part of living. All persons are sexual. Sexuality includes physical, ethical, spiritual, psychological, and emotional dimensions. Every person has dignity and self-worth. Individuals express their sexuality in varied ways, people should respect and accept the diversity of values and beliefs about sexuality that exist in a community. Sexual relationships should never be coercive or exploitative. All children should be wanted and cared for.

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