determining fact is all the girls lived in huge urban cities, where multiple gangs.
populate the area, more than the smaller cities.
The majority level of a person determines if that person can make justified.
decisions on their own. Most people that join gangs are usually in their early teens.
or around the age of thirteen. The females that join into gangs are usually craving.
attention that is not being received at home or seeking protection in the area the.
girls live. A lack of father and mother figures is a big issue. Being neglected of.
everyday needs and the loving care from the parents. Also girls are interested in.
laying claim in an area and having power and control over this, in order to achieve.
status (Moore). Females are lured into gangs by the promise of finacial reward,.
identity and status, but are more likely to hold down a job or career (Moore). The.
lack of knowledge and young age of these females make them easily manipulated.
by older members of gangs. This leads to younger and younger girls getting.
arrested for more violent crimes.
Life in a gang gives the members the needs of life they need to survive, but.
requires them to represent the gang in which they belong to, by the use of colors,.
clothing or symbols, and participate in criminal activity. For this very reason.
juvenile crime rates have gone up. Juvenile arrest from 1983 to 1992, were.
twenty-eight percent for murder arrest, twenty-seven percent for rape,.
twenty-seven percent for robbery, and seventeen percent for aggravated results.
(Bender and Leone). About fifthteen percent of high-risk youth commit about.
seventy-five percent of all violent offenses. Juveniles with four or more court.
referrals make up sixteen percent of all offenders, but are responsible for fifty-one.
percent of all juvenile court cases - sixty-one percent of murder, sixty-four percent.
of rape, sixty-seven percent of robbery, and sixty-one percent of aggravated assault.