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Republican Party


Republicans feel that environmental regulations should be based on science. The government should provide market-based incentives to develop the technologies needed to meet environmental standards. They argue that America needs a national energy strategy which could ultimately increase domestic supplies of coal, oil, and natural gas. The party also promotes environmentally responsible exploration and development of oil and gas reserves on federally owned land, including the Coastal Plain of Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR). 2The north coast region of the Arctic National Wildlife Refugee lies along the same geologic structures that produced the fabulous oil strikes of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska. For the last few years, the Republicans in Congress have been voting to open the wildlife refuge to oil exploration, and only vetoes and threatened vetoes by President Clinton prevented that action. The election of Fall 2000 was vital for a lot of things. President Bush and the Republican party both made it one of their campaign promises for the future. The discussion focuses on one of these matters: drilling ANWR. . For this reason, and others, President Bush was supported by the oil industry and of course it was perfectly legal for the industry to support him. .
             The Republican party believes that abortion should be banned with a Constitutional amendment. They feel that an unborn child has a fundamental right to life. 3The party supports a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation that the 14th Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. The purpose is to have legislative and judicial protection of that right against those who perform abortions. The party also opposes using public revenues for abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it. They support the appointment of judges who respect the sanctity of innocent human lives. The party believes in alternatives like adoption, instead of punitive action.

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