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             What is a relationship? A relationship is built upon the understanding between two people. It goes beyond casual acquaintances and evolves into an experience of sharing and gaining an understanding of each other. A relationship is having the ability to empathize things through another person's eyes. It allows you to feel for each other and present a certain amount of synergy between the people involved in a relationship.
             You can find relationships within a family that is strong and close knit. A relationship within a family has characteristics of respect, love and trust. Family relationships mold you into the person that you are today. You have the opportunity to support your family members and make sacrifices to help others in times of need. A family relationship can equip you with the right tools to better understand and communicate with others. You become more aware and develop a better understanding of their feelings.
             You can find relationships everywhere. For instance, if you are lost and would like to get directions from a gas station clerk, you will try to build a customer to seller relationship. You will then be able to get the directions you need and arrive at your destination on time. Relationships that you build outside your home are mostly temporary. They help maintain harmony in your daily activities at work, external social activities and school.
             Relationships are hard to achieve. To make a relationship work, you will need to invest time, effort, understanding, trust and effective communication. You do not immediately establish a relationship during your first meeting. Initially, you begin building the relationship with casual conversation. Interacting with each other is a good starting point to a new relationship. However, most people tend to be very protective of their feelings. They do not immediately allow others to peer into their private lives to see who really lives in there.

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