Drinking is a social behavior that helps shy adolescents feel that theyfit in?. What they don't realize is that drinking at a young age can lead to becoming an adult alcoholic. The reasons why people drink at different stages in their life varies. Most alcoholics start out drinking in high school, drinking in college and finally in young adulthood.
In high school, students start drinking for many reasons. The need tofit in? is the dominant reason. Being a teenager is full of confusing life changes and social pressures. Tofit in? is the greatest pressure of all. It is probably the time when a person will feel the greatest need to change themselves or their behaviors. It is cool to say you drink when you are in high school. Peers look up to the drinker with admiration. Most high school students only drink on the weekends and weekends only. Most teenage drinking occurs because kids are rebelling against parents. Parents try to discourage drinking by inflicting harsh words and punishment, which just makes the teenager more rebellious. The student will then continue drinking just because of the parent's actions. Peer pressure and rebellious behavior are two reasons why drinking starts as a teenager.
Next are the college drinking days. These are a little different from the high school days. For most teenagers this is the first time they have lived on their own. They are finally free to do as they wish. Parties are more frequent in college than in high school. A college student can usually find a party any night of the week that is supplyingfree? beer. Being a college student at one time, this occurs all the time. College age drinkers start to enjoy the taste and they start to enjoy the feeling that alcohol gives them. Also, factor in that most college students will turn 21 while attending college. Turning 21 is a socialcall? to start drinking. The student is now of legal age to drink and it is okay for them to drink as much as they wish.