With in years the rave community was worldwide. The rave scene that was born in American around 1989 was one of complete illegality. Spaces were broken into to house these parties or a group of hundreds of kids would just show up on someone's privet land (hyperreal.org). Very often these parties were busted and hundreds of kids carrying speakers would relocate them self and continue dancing through the night. .
One of the most famous DJ's for bring the rave scene to America was Frankie Bones. He set up a series of parties called Stormraves through out New York and Brooklyn. It was at these raves that many famous DJ's today got their start. People such as Josh Wink, Doc Martin, and Sven Vath all made their beginnings with Frankie (hyperreal.org). Frankie did more to boost the rave community the just add a few new DJ though. Myth has it that at one of his Stormraves at a loading dock in Queens he spoke to 5,000 kids about rave spirituality and this is where the American branch of the Rave community truly began. By 1993- 1994 large raves were being held all over the United States, though mostly in California. Texas raves first became big in Nov. 1994 (Dionysos). With this and the help of internet a few years later the rave scene became a world wide community uniting people from all over the country and the world.
In any culture society or community one of the most noted characteristics is its people. In the rave community it is definitely no different. In fact it is almost by the people that this community is defined because there are no geographical boundaries. As a community, rivers are definitely a unique bunch. Every community has it's individuals, as does the rave community, however there are definitely many similarities among the people as well. .
The bio for a typical raver is actually quite surprising. Many people think that members of the rave community are on the outskirts of mainstream society as well.