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Public Relations


This is where the hate relationship comes in. Negative publicity is the last thing that any company wants, and it causes them to put up their defenses against the media.
             Even though media can have a negative impact on a company, if it is used to its full advantage, it can be a very effective way of getting publicity. Newspapers are always looking for people and things to write about. Radio and television stations are always looking for people to interview and things to talk about. These stories are free of charge, and are of greater value than a commercial would be. People know that a commercial is paid for and designed under the companies own perspective of itself. People are more likely to pay attention to what a newspaper article, or a television interview gets across to them than a commercial. The reason for this is because the information is coming from a source outside of the company, and is therefore more trustworthy. This is not to say that advertising is not effective. A good publicity campaign should be worked in with an advertising campaign, not used in its place. Using these two elements together is the most effective way to catch the public's attention. One example of how well these two elements work together is, "Because of good public relations and advertising campaigns, most North Americans believe that the world's best coffee comes from Columbia." If the public believes your product or service is exciting, they will give you their business. .
             How do you go about getting publicity for your company? The answer is a public relations firm. A P.R. firm makes sure that news of your product, or what ever it may be, gets out to the public. There are unlimited ways that this can be done. .
             One of the fastest ways to get the message to the public and media is by staging an event. This could be anything from a press conference, to a grand opening celebration. The job of the P.

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