From the story, we see that the woman is yelling at the man. "Son of a bitch! I"m so glad you"re leaving! She began to cry. You can't even look me in the face, can you?" Her mixed emotions of anger and grief at the same time make her seem hysterical. The man on the other hand, is coolheaded but stern. During the time the woman is yelling at him, he doesn't yell back, and continues to pack his things. When asked if he was crazy because he wanted the baby he sternly replied, "No, but I want the baby. I"ll get someone to come by for his things." The two characters contrast greatly in their actions. However, through their actions the reader is able to gain insight into their personalities. !.
The contrasting personalities of the characters makes them believable to the reader. .
Carver's incorporation of symbolism gives greater depth to the story. During the parent's "scuffle", they knock down the flowerpot behind the stove. This symbolizes the carelessness of the parents. To be literally fighting for the child, to the point where they are tugging and pushing each other around, allows the reader to understand their disregard for precious objects. Another example of the symbolism used in the story is the light switch. The man "looked around the bedroom before turning off the light." This symbolizes the end of a relationship with a woman for whom he cared. The depth of the couple's relationship is revealed here. If one takes the time to look around the room and then turn off the light, then it is obvious that serious reflection is taking place. Most people would have packed their things then left, without caring about the light. Carver's use of symbolism helps reveal to the reader, certain aspects about the characters" relationship, that the narrator himself does not state explicitly.
Carver's choice of a title also reveals his theme. The theme is the relationship in a failing marriage.