women. .
People that suffer from Avoidant Personality Disorder .
display traits such as timidity, shyness, and a withdrawing .
behavior. Avoidants, people that suffer from Avoidant .
Personality Disorder, use these traits to hurt others so that .
they can avoid a close relationship with them. They like to .
display their hostility in an "open" manner by insulting people .
who try to be friendly. The reason for this is so that they can .
handle feared rejection by becoming rejecting themselves. .
Avoidants reject other people first so that they are not the .
first to be rejected. Most of the time avoidants reject people .
who would have never rejected them in the first place. A victim .
of this personality disorder is usually affected in one of three .
ways. First, some avoidants put in considerable time and effort .
into making themselves attractive to others. They do this so .
they will at least be liked for their looks, if not for .
themselves. Second, some make sure that their appearance drives .
others away. Third, some avoidants may dress in the style of the .
era when the trauma occurred (Long). This action obviously .
displays that the avoidant is living in his or her past. Speech .
is also affected in an avoidants life. In fact, most avoidants .
use frequent pauses, and speak very slow, while other avoidants .
may try to be "outgoing", possibly due to the false belief that .
continuous talking will prevent death, an avoidants worst fear .
(Kantor). .
Avoidants often test others to determine whether or not they .
are being truthful in their friendship. Because they may .
frequently see rejection where it does not exist, people will .
tend to fail these "tests" and then later be avoided because they .
may reject or humiliate those with Avoidant Personality Disorder. .
People with Avoidant Personality Disorder have difficulty .
beginning and keeping relationships. In some cases, avoidants .
may try to be a perfectionist and reject anyone who does not live .