In life, one is faced with many decisions.
One can make the right choice or the wrong one.
However, in all cases of what decision one must make, the one factor .
that is important is how they react to the problem. Reaction is key in .
life. When faced with a dilemma, such as an argument with a friend, one .
can either hold the problem in and be passive, or they could be .
assertive and discuss how they are feeling. .
When one gets into an argument with a friend, they have a decision to .
make. This decision is usually decided on their personality. If one is .
withdrawn and doesn't like confrontations, then they usually bite their .
tongues and bury their feelings. This can be a good way of ending the .
fight, but these repressed feelings can surface and sometimes even .
explode later on in life. Someone who does not speak out their emotions .
trains their body eventually to be void of passion. They can stunt .
one's interactive skills. This is very unhealthy and it only solves .
problems for a little while. The negative side effects are not only .
mental. Repressed feelings can cause ulcers and extreme stress on the .
If one is assertive, they usually vocalize exactly how they are .
feeling. This can do one of two things for the quarrel. One, it can .
make the argument worse by egging the other person on and causing more .
of a problem, or two, it can help the argument by helping the two .
people discuss the difficulty and find a way to solve it. People who .
say how they are feeling are generally happier with themselves and they .
know how to deal with stress. However, the downside of announcing every .
feeling is that it can hurt someone else's feelings.
Even though both ways of dealing with problems are generally .
effective, the best way to deal with problems is to find a happy .
medium. One can be selective about what they say in an argument. One .
can hold back comments that would hurt the other person's feelings as .
they attempt to reach a solution.