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One Of Canada's Great Leaders


             movement that corrupted the very fabric of political stability.
             in Quebec. The Duplessis faction maintained their conservative.
             approach towards political reform but failed to sway the majority.
             of the population into alleviating with the demands of the.
             Canadian government. The citizens of Quebec revered their.
             clerical sector as holding 'utmost importance' towards preserving.
             French cultural values and this did not correlate with the.
             Federal government's policies and ideals. Francophones were under.
             the impression that their own Federal government had set out to.
             crush and assimilate what had remained of their illustrious.
             heritage in order to accommodate economic and political.
             tranquility. Trudeau himself had decided to join the nationalist.
             uprising with his advocation of provincial autonomy. Ultimately,.
             he and other skilled social scientists attempted to bring down.
             the Duplessis party in 1949, but failed miserably in their.
             efforts. Duplessis buckled underneath the continuous pressure of.
             French patriotism and was rewarded for his inept idleness by.
             winning his fourth consecutive election in 1956. Although nothing.
             of significance had been accomplished, Quebec has solidified its.
             temporary presence in confederation at such a time. This prompted.
             Trudeau to involve himself in provincial diplomacy as he would.
             engage in several media projects that would voice his displeasure.
             and disapproval with the ongoing cultural predicament in Canada.
             (this included a syndicated newspaper firm, live radio programs).
             "If, in the last analysis, we continually identify Catholicism.
             with conservatism and patriotism with immobility, we will lose by.
             default that which is in play between all cultures.". By.
             literally encouraging a liberal, left-wing revolution in his.
             province, Trudeau believed that Democracy must come before.
             Ideology. Gradually, his disposition would attract many.
             politicians and advocates of Socialism, and thus it allowed him.
             to radiate his ideology onto the populace of Quebec.

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