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Nutrition And Activity


I may be taking too much water because I feel bloated sometimes, but I don't think that would be harm to my health. I didn't drink alcohol this week. I usually drink a lot over the weekend, but I've been staying sober for 2 weeks. I know how alcohol damages your liver, and I decided to quit drinking. I also do not smoke. .
             My eating patterns are not so consistent. I usually change my eating patterns when my mood changes. When I start to feel frustrated and stressed about something, I tend to eat everything that is around me. I could keep eating all day just so I could feel better. I think exercising really helps me out by relieving my stress, but there are times when I stuff my face because of the extreme stress. Also, when I am about to get my period, I know that my appetite increases. I cannot control myself and I want to eat sweets. That is when I know exactly when my period is coming. .
             I exercise about 4-6 times a week. I do aerobic activities when I do work out at the gym. I try to change routines so I don't get bored and I keep getting motivated. I do kickboxing, spinning, step aerobics, running etc. for about an hour. After I exercise, I lift weights for strength exercises. Since building muscle increases my metabolism, I try to lift about an hour. I do flexibility activities about 2-3 times a week. I stretch every time before I do any exercising, but I don't think it's enough for me. I have a spinal injury, and sometimes it's hard for me to stand or walk. I went to physical therapy and they told me to do a lot of stretching, but I haven't really committed myself to it completely. I do yoga sometimes, but I like to do high-energy activities. .
             I have slept moderate for the week I am taking an analysis for. I usually sleep about 6-8 hours. For this week, I slept about 6 hours on average, but I took naps when I got home from class. I sleep really well, especially when I am not stressing.

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