already as well as a few more issues.
Extreme Effects of Proposition 21.
Proposition 21 was proposed so that fourteen year olds and older would be tried as adults.
for serious crimes. If proposition 21 passes it is going to send thousands of fourteen to.
sixteen year olds to state prison. Right now the cost of vandalism, in order to be.
considered a felony, is fifty thousand dollars, and if proposition 21 passes the cost is going.
to be reduced to four hundred dollars. Proposition 21 does nothing to protect our.
communities, and all it does is incarcerate children. Rather than decrease, if proposition.
21 passes, crime rates are going to increase.
If passed, prop 21 will incarcerate many juveniles with top-notch criminals. These.
children will not be given the opportunity for rehabilitation like in the juvenile system.
Without treatment and education, the only thing a juvenile can learn while incarcerated.
with adult criminals, is how to become a better criminal. These teenagers will not be given.
the opportunity of rehabilitation and will come out of jail only tougher. Our nation also has.
a tragic record of sexual and physical assaults on juveniles incarcerated with adult.
criminals. Adult criminals will then take advantage of these teenagers.
What proposition 21 is also going to do is reduce the cost of vandalism as a felony to four.
hundred dollars. Right now the cost of vandalism, in order for it to be a felony is fifty.
thousand dollars. So this means that if a person just happens to write, "I love Judy" on a.
tree, it will be considered a felony offense and the teenager will be taken to jail. This also.
means that the three strikes law is going to be in more use because of the fact that more.
felonies are going to be committed. If a person steels a pack of gum and gets caught that.
will be considered a strike because it would be a felony.
Proposition 21 was also established to supposedly make communities safer, but in reality.