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My Vacation


            One of the best vacation spots and most fun are in Wildwood, New Jersey. Wildwood consists of a boardwalk with tons of rides, a beach with a beautiful ocean, and little summerhouses with ocean-side views. The best attractions though would probably be located on the boardwalk. There are so many things to see and do. Although it's rather costly, it's well worth it and it's a great place for a family to share quality time together. .
             The boardwalk is consisted of shops, arcades, and piers of rides. On the boardwalk, you will find adults, teenagers, kids, and even babies trying to have a good time. Also, there are shops located all over the place. Tattoo/piercing parlors, fast food places, ice cream sellers, and even a mall filled with all types of shops. If you"re not into shopping, there are arcades located after every few shops. You can win prizes, spend your money, and get addicted real quickly. Although most people usually walk around, you can also ride the tramcar. The tramcar is a long yellow ride that takes people around the whole boardwalk, which is two miles long, for a few dollars. Other then shops and arcades; there are piers full of rides. On each pier the rides are basically for all ages and older people. There are roller coasters with and without loops, log flumes, haunted houses, carousels, mini golf courses, and even bungee jumping. For each pier you can either buy tickets which are pretty expensive, or a bracelet that will let you ride any ride you want to unlimited times. .
             Another place in Wildwood that is always packed on a hot, sticky day is the beach. People are all over the place on towels, underneath umbrellas, and in the ocean. People laughing, complaining about the heat, and running into the ocean. You can also hear the ice cream man going up and down the beach. People usually spend hours at the beach sun bathing, swimming, having lunch, reading, and sometimes sleeping.

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