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Nutrition in Sport


             To extinguish these fears, the players would need to use some of the following techniques ;.
             - Concentration and attention focus : The athlete needs to have the ability to focus on relevant cues, while shutting out any distractions such as the crowd, so basically they need to focus on the relevant goal or the task at hand.
             - Mental Rehearsal : mental rehearsal occurs when performers rehearse in their minds the physical skills that they wish to efficiently execute in the match. In Tiger Woods' book "How I Play Golf" , Woods states that he always visualises the ball going into the cup when he attempts to nail a putt. In basketball , an attacker could mentally rehearse shooting baskets from the free throw line and with the assistance of visualisation, may see the basketball going straight through the ring, and then it is more likely occur in reality because the athlete has already seen the action happen.
             During mental rehearsal, an athlete should practice old skills, learn new skills, gain confidence, concentrate and most importantly experience success.
             A defender could mentally rehearse rebounding the ball after a shot by the opposition and then visualise passing or running the ball out of the danger zone.
             Goal setting is just as important as it can provide motivation, commitment and direction. By having goals, an athlete has distinct and clear aims for the event.
             Short term goals are goals that can be achieved in quite a short period of time. Some examples of short term goals include ;.
             * to train three times per week for the next two weeks.
             * to net ten free throw line shots in a row in the upcoming weeks.
             * to shoot at 90% in today's match.
             Long term goals should reflect where the end point of training might be.
             They focus on what could with hard work and dedicated training, be achieved in a few months time. Some examples of long term goals include ;.
             * playing for Australia at the next Olympic games.

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