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             popular prophet because he preached against the Assyrians, not Judah. .
             Nahum mainly preached. The subject of this prophecy is the approaching.
             complete and final destruction of Nineveh which is the capitol of Assyria. The.
             destruction of Nineveh and Assyria would be a message of consolation for the nations.
             Assyria had oppressed. Israel and Judah were two of those nations. The fall of Nineveh.
             is viewed as a future occurrence. The city fell in 612 BC when the Medes and the.
             Babylonians finally destroyed it. Nineveh was never again rebuilt, and this confirms.
             Nahum's prediction that " distress will not rise up twice."(Nahum 1:9) It was not until.
             1850 that Nineveh was discovered by archaeologists. this is quite interesting because.
             before 1850, it was difficult believing the books of Jonah and Nahum because there was.
             no record of Nineveh. Nineveh made war on God's people, and therefore, made war.
             against God. Assyria was God's instrument for destroying the Northern Kingdom of.
             Israel, but it went to all of the people heads and they gained success to their own power. .
             God's vengeance are stressed by complete devastation that is coming. God has the power.
             to do whatever he wants. No one can stand in his way. Because no one in the world has.
             as much power as God himself does. But God's power is tempered by His goodness. .
             God is also aware of those who trust him and will preserve them(1:7). Even though.
             everyone else is bad, if we remain faithful, God will notice us and reward us either by.
             protecting us here on earth or by rewarding us by accepting us into heaven. What a.
             blessing to know that we are the people of a jealous and mean God. His protective love.
             will allow no guilty person get away with attacks on us. We do not have to take out our.
             own revenge because we can be sure that our God will bring about complete justice on.
             our own behalf. Assyrians believed that God is judging because God cares for those who.

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