Michelangelo was pessimistic in his poetry and an optimist in his .
Michelangelo's artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures .
that showed humanity in it's natural state. Michelangelo's poetry was .
pessimistic in his response to Strazzi even though he was .
complementing him. Michelangelo's sculpture brought out his optimism. .
Michelangelo was optimistic in completing The Tomb of Pope Julius II .
and persevered through it's many revisions trying to complete his .
vision. Sculpture was Michelangelo's main goal and the love of his .
life. Since his art portrayed both optimism and pessimism, .
Michelangelo was in touch with his positive and negative sides, .
showing that he had a great and stable personality. .
Michelangelo's artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that .
showed humanity in it's natural state. Michelangelo Buonarroti was .
called to Rome in 1505 by Pope Julius II to create for him a .
monumental tomb. We have no clear sense of what the tomb was to look .
like, since over the years it went through at least five conceptual .
revisions. The tomb was to have three levels; the bottom level was to .
have sculpted figures representing Victory and bond slaves. The second .
level was to have statues of Moses and Saint Paul as well as symbolic .
figures of the active and contemplative life- representative of the .
human striving for, and reception of, knowledge. The third level, it .
is assumed, was to have an effigy of the deceased pope. The tomb of .
Pope Julius II was never finished. What was finished of the tomb .
represents a twenty-year span of frustrating delays and revised .
schemes. Michelangelo had hardly begun work on the pope's tomb when .
Julius commanded him to fresco the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to .
complete the work done in the previous century under Sixtus IV. The .
overall organization consists of four large triangles at the corner; a .
series of eight triangular spaces on the outer border; an intermediate .