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Mein Kampf


Unsuccessful in civilian life, he had found himself in the military. The formation of the Weimar Republic, as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, eventually aroused dissatisfaction in the German people. This caused them to look toward the many radical groups, which had emerged following the war, for guidance. This presented Hitler with the opportunity to voice and attract the attention of Germans with his own extremist opinions. Hitler sided with the German Worker's Party and led the development of the National Socialist State.
             The Marxists also emerged in Germany after the war. But Hitler had no use for the Marxists. He saw Marxism as just one aspect of the Jewish conspiracy to break down the blood barriers which Nature sought to maintain so that the greater Aryan race would remain pure and unaffected by the inferior blood of other races.
             "The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the.
             aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces .
             the eternal privilege of power and strength by.
             the mass of numbers and their dead weight.".
             Marxism, according to Hitler, contested the very will of Nature and Providence, since Nature and Providence willed that the stronger not blend with the weaker. Marxism threatened to undermine the significance of nationality and race, thereby depriving humanity of the premise of its existence and culture. .
             Negroes were another aspect of the Jewish conspiracy to dilute the pure blood of the German people, Hitler argued.
             "It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes.
             into the Rhineland, always with the same secret.
             thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white.
             race by necessarily resulting bastardization,.
             throwing it down from its cultural and political.
             height, and himself rising to be it's master.".
             But aside from being another weapon the Jewish people would destroy the Aryan race, how did Hitler view the African race? He said that their culture was inferior. He thinks that their culture is "trash".

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