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Meat Contamination


Hoof and.
             mouth disease was caused by pig slop not being heated up enough to kill the.
             harmful microorganisms. Humans will merely become ill but the effect on the.
             ranchers and the animal populations was devastating. (Fast Food Nation pg 119).
             Some of these animals with various ailments are slaughtered regardless, leading to.
             the illness or death of the unsuspecting consumer. But perhaps the time has come.
             to pass the shame on something else. The meat packing industry.
             Animals are driven in cramped flatbed trucks to the slaughterhouse. Here they are.
             moved in, one after another, stunned and slashed in the neck. Once they die of.
             blood loss they are strung up by the legs and hung upside down to be cut into more.
             edible pieces. Once packaged they are loaded into trucks and shipped to their.
             distributors. Fun fact. On the average half the carcasses are filled with, in the words of an anonymous FDA inspector, "Bile feces and hair." Even after being processed.
             none of the original parts simply "disappear"; Meaning: The feces, bile, and hair are.
             probably in every other cut of meat. (HAACP statistics www.ads.beef/statistics.) Its.
             not uncommon for carcasses to be dropped on the floor by the conveyer belt. The.
             IBP plant was documented by an FDA inspector to have oil dripping into its hams.
             from a misplaced pipe. It took 1 year and 2 weeks to correct the problem even after.
             constant FDA reminders. Later IBP plant released a report saying that the oil was.
             dripped on "unfinished hams" and that IBP is considered by many to have one of the.
             cleanest plants in the country! Clearly the massive meat industry can't be trusted to.
             regulate itself! Which brings this paper to its next point. .
             The impact the FDA has had on the meat industry. While this report does not.
             focus on the FDA or even claim to contain important information about it the.
             importance of important government regulation agencies. (Of course they are very.
             important too) In all seriousness.

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