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Meat Contamination


             Meat is one of the most dangerous foods that a consumer can eat.
             thousands of microorganisms on it, and while most of them are harmless, it only.
             takes one dangerous microorganism to kill a person. Bacteria can infect.
             unprotected meat, once again leading to the illness or death of the consumer.
             Viruses can run rampant through meat, completely undetected until the meat is.
             digested. (poisons in our food. pg. 255) Some animal carcasses are even dropped.
             on the floor and shipped regardless; and of course the always present issue of the.
             slaughter of diseased animals! Where does all this pestilence spring from and how.
             can it be stopped? This report hopes to investigate all these legitimate concerns.
             and dispel some myths about the meat industry; Also an important aspect is the.
             true danger Vs the social impact caused by misinformation.
             The best starting point for such a broad topic is to begin at the birth of the animals.
             Farms and ranches raise mainly cows and pigs for the slaughter. The animals are.
             fed hormones to bulk them up. While the safety of even this is doubtful, there are.
             many hormones and drugs that have been outlawed by the FDA that are smuggled.
             into the country and used by ranchers. (contaminated animal feed. cox news) For.
             example, the contraband drug clenbuterol, (which causes animals to bulk up faster).
             can cause in both the human and cattle muscle tremors, fever, and chills. In 1996.
             the cancer causing drugs furaltadone, furazolidone and nitrofurazone as well as.
             avoparcine where smuggled into the united states. The mad cow epidemic that.
             swept the world in 1997-1998 was directly caused by contaminated sheep heads.
             being fed to cattle to give them additional protein. (www.madcow/UK/orgins.htm) In.
             short the mad cow disease caused rapid deterioration of the brain, buildup of fluids.
             in the spine until the spine effectively dissolves. Fun. In humans the brain.
             deterioration can take upwards 20 years and of course, there is no cure.

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