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Life Is Hell


             the equivalent of a full school year. Just imagine how far a student could fall behind." "A.
             depressed teen is also very fatigued, irritable, pessimistic, and has difficulty with.
             concentration, remembering and making decisions. So while the teen is actually in school.
             they may not be the most productive student." According to NAMI. They are probably.
             the ones who do not do their homework and then blow up at the teacher for getting mad.
             at them. These are things they cannot control. Dr. Fassler also said drinking and drug.
             abuse are common elements of depression. In some cases, teens may resort to drugs in an.
             effort to self-medicate-to ease the emotional pain. Another way a teen may feel they are.
             "self-medicating" is through an eating disorder. If they are an overeater this can be.
             viewed as a way to comfort feelings. If they binge or purge it can be seen as a way of.
             getting all the negative feelings out of the body. Unfortunately the most common way for.
             a teen to deal with depression is also the most tragic, suicide. Virginia Rutter, author of.
             Whose Hell Is It?, reported that 12% of teens have thought about suicide and 5% have.
             attempted it. A study done by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
             in 1995 found that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds. This is.
             approximately 5,000 young people. The rate of suicide for this age group has nearly.
             tripled since 1960. .
             So what is causing these teenagers to become depressed? One big problem is that.
             most people think that teens have nothing to be depressed about. However, depression.
             does occur in teens frequently and without an obvious cause. The truth is about 3 million.
             teens suffer from depression by high school graduation according to the National Alliance.
             for the Mentally Ill. Depression can be caused by stuff happening in your brain. Channel.
             One, a news channel for students, did a segment on teen depression and found that there is.

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