I am doing my report on lung cancer so I can learn the effects, symptoms and .
prevention's that I can take to avoid getting this disease. Cancer is a disease in which .
cells multiply without control, destroy healthy tissue, and endanger life. About 100 kinds .
of cancer attack human beings. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the .
United States, among both men and women. Lung cancer claims more lives then colon, .
prostate and breast cancer combined. In 1999 about 91,000 men and 68,000 women died .
of lung cancer. The peak age for lung cancer is 65years for men and 70 years for woman. .
The disease is uncommon before the age of 40. The exact cause of lung cancer remains .
unclear. .
Some risk factors of this disease include tobacco smoking, exposure to .
carcinogenic and industrial air pollutants and genetic predisposition. Lung cancer is also .
among the most preventable of all cancers. Smoking alone accounts for about 85 percent .
to 90 percent of lung cancer cases. Although the mortality rate for men has decreased the .
rate for women has increased. One reason may be that although smoking rates have .
decreased overall, the rate decreased more rapidly for men. However new cases of lung .
cancer in women have been declining, which means that their mortality rate is likely to .
decline in the future. .
According to the Medical and Health Encyclopedia various theories .
Rocca 2.
have been proposed to explain the mechanism by which smoking causes cancer in human .
beings; none has been proved. However it is known that the lungs of some cigarette .
smokers show tissue changes before cancer appears, changes apparently caused by .
irritation of the lining of the bronchi. Physicians believe these changes can be reversed .
before the onset of cancer if the source of irritation "smoking" is removed.