After the zona pellucida is dissolved, the cells within the embryo are freed. These two to eight cells are collected by researchers and put in separate petri dishes (Wall 83)." "The cells are then coated with an artificial zona pellucida. The individual cells are then considered new embryos, all of which share the same exact genetic information. In effect at this point the science has produced multiple copies of life that could have never before existed (Wall 116)." In time and given the right conditions these cells will divide and form a human being.
In her work Seeking The Wonder In a Mote of Dust, author Traci Watson, argues why cloning human embryos is important and the many legitimate reasons for investigating cloning. Embryologists believe that the research could help improve the lives of further generations. "Cancer research is possibly the most important reason for embryo cloning. Oncologists believe that embryonic study will advance the understanding of the rapid growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells develop at approximately the same phenomenal rate as the embryonic cells do. By studying the embryonic cell growth, scientists may be able to determine how to stop it, and also stop cancer growth in turn (Watson 66)." Another important reason for embryo cloning is to remove genetic diseases out of the embryo's DNA and replace it with regular DNA, but this procedure is only theoretical. This is another reason cloning should be allowed to find out if this procedure is possible. "Also, doctors hope that by being able to study the multiple embryos developed through cloning, they can determine what causes spontaneous abortions. Contraceptive specialists also believe that if they can determine how an embryo knows where to implant itself, then they can develop a contraceptive that would prevent embryos from implanting in the uterus (Watson 66)." One questionable procedure is cloning an embryo to use the bone marrow of the clone for a critically sick child.