friends. The unbearable lifestyle he endured while living in Ireland forced .
him to write his brilliant satirical essay, A Modest Proposal. This essay .
suggested that the people of Ireland should use their children for a cash .
In the book Gulliver's Travels, the author reflects his life on the main .
character to Prove a point, mankind are savages. All that was necessary .
was that he take on a deliberate persona in the form some self-deceived .
enthusiast. (Cook, pg.92) The protagonist of the story Lemieux Gulliver, .
went on many voyages and left his wife and child back in England for months .
at a time. The first voyage he went on in the book was to Lilliput. All of .
the places he went to were by accident. It was either he was shipwrecked or his boat was taken .
over by pirates. In Lilliput, he fell asleep ashore and woke up tied down by .
the barbaric Lilliputians. These natives are only three inches high and look .
exactly like humans but smaller. Swift satirizes our bestial selves and use .
them as these Lilllputians. These Lilliputians are pure evil and very .
corrupt. Their government system is similar to ours. Their leader is an .
Emperor who has all but some power over their country. He also has advisors .
who seem to influence the Emperor in all his decisions even if he did not .
agree. This system is similar to our government and congress having equal.
power to the president. In order for a person to gain a seat in congress or .
hold a certain political position in our society, they have to be elected by .
the people. In Lilliput, the people gain their political power in the .
strangest and silliest way. The emperor holds a stick out in front of the .
person and in order for the person to get the highest position possible, .
they must be able to jump over or crawl under the stick depending how the .
emperor positions it. The emperor may raise the stick and lower it for .
whomever he wants. He may pick favorites and make it easier for them to get .