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Jesus still broke bread with him, and turned Levi .
             around. Another example is His forgiving people of their sins. He would often absolve them, and relieve .
             them of their ungodly deeds, or breaking of the commandments. Perhaps the most important example is .
             when Jesus was hanging on the cross, after being crucified by the Jews and saying to God, his father .
             "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." Even though they had tortured Him, beaten Him, .
             and hung Him to die on a cross, but He still forgave them.
             Tied in with the forgiving spirit of Jesus, was His compassion towards others, especially the less .
             fortunate. Jesus cured many sick and demonic people in His journeys through different towns and cities. .
             One such instance is when a blind man came up to Jesus out of a crowd and begged Him, "Son of David .
             have mercy on me!" The crowd screamed at him to get back, but it made him plead all the louder. Jesus .
             looked at him and said, "Receive thy site, thy faith has saved thee." He also cured lepers, people with .
             broken limbs and people with other mental and physical disabilities. In keeping with his compassion, Jesus .
             also loved the poor. He would often feed them and take them in. One miracle of His was even feeding .
             thousand of starved poor people with a small amount of fish and bread. Jesus was truly a compassionate .
             savior who had mercy on all the suffering.
             Despite being able to do all these miracles and be so nice, He was still human. Though He was the .
             Son of God he still came in the from of a human and had the human traits. He still felt pain and suffered. .
             Fear was a major factor in the end of His life. He cried and prayed the night in the garden, because He .
             knew what physical punishment was coming. He sweated and feared for His life. When being forced to .
             carry the cross through Jerusalem, He felt every whipping, heard every dirty remark and felt the heavy .
             weight of the cross on His back.

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