As businesses, government and education discover the advantages of the Internet and web technologies they are starting to implement it for internal use. This is better known as an Intranet, which represents a new model for internal information management, distribution and collaborative computing and offers a simplistic but powerful implementation of client/server computing.
Intranets are private Web-based networks, usually within corporation firewalls.
that connect employees and business partners to vital corporate information. Thousands of organizations are finding that Intranets can help empower their employees through more timely and less costly information flow. They let companies' speed information and software to employees and business partners. Intranets provide users with capabilities like looking up information, sending and receiving e-mail, and searching directories. They make it easy to find any piece of information or resources located on the network. Users can execute a single query that results in an organized list of all matching information across all servers throughout the enterprise and onto the Internet.
As recent as two years ago, Intranets didn't exist. Now the market for internal.
web-servers are rapidly increasing. Intranet technology is beginning to be used all over the world. Intranets present the information in the same way to every computer. By doing this they are doing what computer and software makers have been promising but never actually delivered. Computers, software, and databases are pulled together into a single system that enables users to find information wherever it resides. Intranets are only logically "internal" to an organization but physically they can span the globe, as long as access is limited to a defined community of interests.
Countless organizations are beginning to build Intranets, bringing Internet and.
Web technologies to bear on internal organizational problems traditionally addressed by proprietary data base groupware and workflow solutions.