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Human Cloning


But, until then, we should stick to reproduction the way that Mother Nature intended for us," (Nichol, Mark, Science: Of Mice and Men). Many people think that cloning would lessen the significance of god, with the human population creating people instead of conceiving them as stated in the "Wisdom of Repugnance" by Leon R. Kass. He also states that cloning could create an identity crisis for the clone since the person has already lived and could become completely unjustified if humans were created for organ-harvesting purposes. Could you imagine going to a children's store like a pet store and picking out a son or daughter. Aspects like these make cloning hard to legalize.
             Cloning humans could hypothetically also be very helpful in some aspects. It would be ethical in a case where women's only child dies after she is no longer able to have babies. Her dead child could be cloned, producing another child that would be of the same DNA, hers. Also, in the cases of homosexual men or women, a clone can be produced from one of the partners, rather than having a sperm or egg donation, therefore making the child more genetically equal to the parents. Some people think that cloning could override some lethal genetic diseases. This brings up the point that we already have a type of clone biologically made: identical twins. Cloning could help create a stronger race by only passing "good" traits, and also gives another option of reproductive freedom.
             While researching the topic of human cloning, I found many opinionated essays that people had written. Human cloning is a highly debated issue right now, mainly because it is a very new possibility for the future. The obvious next step in the walk of technology, we have already cloned animals the ultimate goal would move on to clone the human race. Some people want to grab the idea and run with it, and others want to ban the idea without a second thought.

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